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Rosy Adenium 

Why order from us?

We would like to announce that we, Siam Adenium co.,ltd is certified as "Controlled Plant Exporter" and "treament" to "Europe" by our department of Agriculture (Thailand). Please see the certificate on the left side show as a Controlled Plant Exporter under the Plant Quarantine ACT B.E.2507 and Amended. That means now you can import our plants to youwith very safe and good conditions. Just have your Plant Import Permit (optional, just check with your plant quarantine services) and we'll deliver the plants to you safe and good condition plants.


How to produce
"Nice Rosy Adenium"?

How to get more blooming
on Adenium?

"Sowing Seeds" Technique

"Bud Grafting" Technique

"Adenium Bonsai Seedlings" 

"Yellow Adenium"

"How do we develop Black Adenium?"

"New World Adenium Flowers in your hands"

"Big Adenium" grafting with Rosy Adenium.

"Flammable" Adenium

"The Color of Dream"

"Adenium Bonsai Seedlings"

Road to "New Sexy Messy Looks"

Road to "New Creamy Adenium"

"Dusty Adenium"

"The Amazing Adenium Bonsai Seedlings"

"Blue Adenium"

How do we export?

Please click here to see the steps of our adenium export to you.

Adenium Seeds by Hybrids

100% Guarranteed True Hybrid from our original mother plants. 

Our seeds are harvested every 2-3 months from great mother plants. We have higher demand of seeds order and fresh harvest (no longer store) so that means our seeds have higher germination rate with 98% from our seed trial sowing. We have many kinds of seed hybrids, please enjoy growing.

Adenium Hybrids Price per seed (USD)/100 seed pack
Price per seed (USD)/500 seed pack
Price per seed (USD)/1,000 seed pack


1. Ra Chi Nee Pan Dok (RCN) 
- Super Blooming Growing

$0.41 $0.37 $0.34
2. Petch Na Wang (PNW)
- Compact Growing

$0.37 $0.31  $0.28 
3. Petch Muang Kong (PMK)

$0.37 $0.31 
4. Black Giant (BG)

5. Black Knight (BK)

$0.78 $0.62 $0.56
6. Yak Lob Bu Ri (LBR)
-Dwarf Growing Form

$0.37 $0.31 
7. Yak Sing Bu Ri (SBR)

8. Siam Majestic
(Black RCN)

$0.47 $0.41  $0.37
9. Mixed RCN+PNW
New Hybrid

$0.44 $0.41 $0.37
10. Siam White Pearl New!

$0.47  $0.41  $0.37 
11. Siam Black Pearl (BP) New!
$0.78 $0.62 $0.56


Adenium Hybrids
Price per seed (USD)/100 seed pack
Price per seed (USD)/500 seed pack
Price per seed (USD)/1,000 seed pack
1. Golden Crown
Bonsai Growing
(Best Sellers)

$2.18  $2.03  $1.87 
2. Diamond Crown

$1.87  $1.72  $1.56 
3. Petch Ban Na

$1.56  $1.40  $1.25 
4. S1

$1.56  $1.40  $1.25 
5. Kao Hin Zon

$1.56  $1.40  $1.25 


1. Somalense var Somalense $0.16  $0.12  $0.09 
2. Black Somalense $0.19  $0.16  $0.12 
3. Anaconda - New
Tower Form Growing & Best Rootstock Use

$0.30  $0.25  $0.20 

1. Mixed Colors $0.12  $0.11  $0.10 
2. Selected Colors 
(Purple, Red, White, Orange, and Pink)
$0.19  $0.17  $0.16 
3. Mixed Rosy Adenium
(Best Sellers)

$0.50  $0.45  $0.40 

How do we ship seeds?
Seeds will be shipped via registered air mail (around 15 USD fee), this is home delivery Services and 5-6 days delivery. Please fill out your order items in our Purchase Order (attachment) and send it back to our email. We will send you the pro-forma invoice including shipping fee and payments instruction after receiving your order and also seeds will be shipped in 4 days after your payment is verified here. The minimum order is 100 USD.